Tuesday, January 08, 2008

If Only I Could Just...

heavenly light on surfers with seagull
Originally uploaded by katzeye

...do photography all day long, every day. Sigh. (I guess I should get back to editing that math book.)

What would you do all day long if you had the choice?


Anonymous said...

I guess you survived the warp speed time. I was starting to wonder.

... said...

I was starting to wonder, too!

Anonymous said...

I would grow flowers in a green house all day long. I would never edit a math book! Blehhh!

... said...

that sounds like a lovely life, and would you give them away to lonely people (the flowers, that is, not math books).

The Duncan Proect said...

I would lay on my bed and read all day. Love the photo

... said...

Read all day! That sounds fantastic!

Carrie said...

If Only I Could Just...
...cook and bake and have someone clean up after me.
...Lay in the warm sand on the beach.
...Draw and paint and craft.
...Play lego's with the kids when we're all breathing slowly and not having conflicts.
...Swim and swim and swim with out tiring out.
Boy I really should do the things I enjoy more often, This little daydream has inspired me.
Thanks KC.

... said...

You're welcome, Carrie, I love your response, it sounds delightful. Especially the "breathing slowly" part, that pretty much says it, doesn't it? I love you a lot and I'm so glad you are the mother of my terrific grandkids!